east germany

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east germany

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:19:54

east germany基本解释

[经] 东德


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. a republic in north central Europe on the Baltic
established by the Soviet Union in 1954
reunified with West Germany in 1990

Synonym: German Democratic Republic

1. 东德:子跳远 银牌 8.19 东德1968 墨西哥城 玛丽尔.兰格(Marita Lange) 田径 女子铅球 银牌 18.78 东德1968 墨西哥城 赫尔格.林德纳(Helga Lindner) 游泳 女子200米蝶泳 银牌 2:24.8 东德1968 墨西哥城 东德(East Germany) 游泳 女子4x1

2. (前东德):Australia: 澳大利亚 | East Germany:(前东德) | France: 法国

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Since reunification, hundreds of billions of euros have been pumped into programs to bolster the infrastructure of the former East Germany -- but to what end?(自统一以来已经投入数百万欧元在推动前东德区域的基础建设。这么做到底为了什么?)
German designer Didi Senft has unveiled a royal rickshaw in Storkow, east Germany, on April 14.(4月14日,德国自行车设计师森福特在德国东部的施托尔科展示他最新设计的皇家三轮车。)
With unification, East Germany was subsumed by capitalist West Germany.(统一后,东德被归入资本主义的西德。)
The agent spied for East Germany for more than twenty years.(该特工为东德从事了二十多年的间谍活动。)
East Germany snapped its photos on ORWO film, which had drawbacks.(东德则使用缺点多多的ORWO胶卷拍照。)
People who tried to escape from East Germany during the Cold War could be shot, jailed and tortured.(冷战期间,企图逃离东德的人会面临被射杀、监禁的危险,或者将遭受酷刑的折磨。)
East Germany united with West Germany to form one country.(东德和西德联合为一个国家。)
They were left alone with their traumatic pasts — in both East Germany and in West Germany.(他们和他们痛苦的过去一起被这个世界遗忘了,无论是在东德还是西德。)
But the textile machinery from the former East Germany looks as if it might even work.(但是前东德的纺织机械看起来似乎还能工作。)
East Germany released Alan Van Norman, a Minnesota man arrested while trying to smuggle an East German family to the West.(东德则释放了AlanVanNorman,这个明尼苏达人在帮一个东德家庭偷渡到西德时被捕。)
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